In my own words, I describe the core idea of this chapter as "being selfish enough to take the time for yourself to do the creative works."
The chapter has two major ideas: The first idea is that we need to trust in an unlimited river of creative abundance. We just need to TRUST.
We need to have faith that things will work out. We need to feel trust that a thing outside of ourselves will take care of us - that a positive outcome will come for us.
In addition to that we will have a dependecy on the source of the creativity: god/etc.
The other major idea of this chapter is that we must create time and space for ourselves to be the artist. And a common reason that we don't give that to ourselves is because we think we are doing good for others by giving them time instead of us, she names this "the virtue trap."
I think fleshing out what that means is a good idea, or a good practice - doing the morning pages, the artist date, etc. are good - but what about the actual artist part.
We are given examples as easy and entry level as just taking a dance class, but we can also extend this out to making the time to sit and toil and explore at our art in whatever medium it is.
This latter part of the chapter definitely resonated with me. And in general I feel that this chapter resonates more than the previous 4: probably because she starts talking about the ways that we give away our time to others in our lives, instead of - sacrificing/giving up - time to do and be our creative creating selves.
I wrote a few introspective ideas this triggerd in me:
Avoiding (temporary/momentary) failure
Lack of boundaries
Fear of losing a relationship
The virtue trap, by definition leads to self-destruction for our artist selves. "Saying no to ourselves."
The Tasks for this week involve identifying how we stay blocked, and don't give ourselves the time and space we need, as well as reviewing our likes, hopes, dreams: the things we really see ourselves as.
I'm keeping up with the morning pages and have outlined my tasks as follows: Wed #1 a supportive God Thursday #3 imaginary lives (again) Friday # 6 Ten ways I'm mean to myself Saturday #7 Ten items Sunday #8 My favorite creative block Monday # 9 My payoff for staying blocked. It's Friday night and I'm still not sure of the artist's date. Time will tell if I accomplish that one.
I’m keeping up with the artist’s pages better than the tasks. I’m driving 3.5 hours tomorrow to my daughter’s house for a super cool artist date and concert on Saturday.
I have to write down my plan, so that I can follow it. Here it is...
Today: no.2 starting an image file
Thursday: no. 4 if I were twenty and had money
Friday: no. 6 10 ways I am mean to myself
Saturday: Artist's date. Dare I say Denney's again. Apparently Denney's is my happy place
Sunday: no. 7 Ten items I would like to own.
Monday: no. 9 My payoff for being blocked
I did morning pages today, and I appreciated the framing from chapter 4 and 5 around when negative ideas pop up: to see them as evidence of the things I want to change. I also did the task for today, which was to write 5 grievences against god. I am an atheist, so my list started with 4 ideas which were just atheist arguments against the existence of a god, but after the 4th one I tried to make the idea view more practical, so I shaped the idea of a sentient concerned omnipotent energy into a function of my subconscious. That my subconscious can create that faith, and my subconscious can operate in a way which is hopeful instead of pessimistic.